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Agile Methodology

  What is Agile methodology?   Traditional software development methodologies work on the premise that software requirements stay consistent all through the project. But, with increment in complexity , the requirements unde...

What is Agile Model?

What is Agile Model ? Agile model comes under the incremental model. Every application or software are expanded in the progressive or incremental way, quick period. In the agile model effects or impacts are appears in short growing or incrementa...

Agile Methodology

Agile Methodology Agile methodology is a method to deliver software at a very high speed with following benefits: 1) Less communication gap between the team members. 2) Requirement changes exists. 3) Requirements are more clear. 4) Custo...

walking along with Agile

Here are some best practices that we can easily follow.... Our goal should be to satisfy the customer by early and best delivery of the valuable software. Good to have the change in requirements even after late development of product. Ag...

Agile Methodlogy,Agile Scrum

Hi All, Here I am going to explain about the agile model & how it is different from traditional model & basic introduction of Agile scrum. Agile Methodology: Agile testing is used when customer requirements are changing dynamicaly. ...
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